Maryland Family Law Lawyer

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Maryland Family Law Attorney

Mediation is an alternative process to solve family disputes that does not require court involvement. It involves using a neutral third party, the mediator, who will facilitate and assist the parties in coming with their resolution to mutually satisfy all parties. The role of a mediator includes facilitating communication between the parties, assisting in identifying the real issues of the dispute and the parties’ interests, and generating options for settlement. Most people have the ability to solve their own disputes but it’s important to hire a mediator to help facilitate the discussion....

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Maryland Divorce Attorney

Divorce is the legal end to a marriage as ordered by a court. If you are considering getting divorced, contact a Maryland divorce attorney at our office for consultation about your specific legal issues. In the state of Maryland, a petitioner may ask for two types of divorce: absolute and limited. The most common type of divorce completed in the state is absolute....

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Maryland Guardianship Lawyer

Interested individuals have a large role in how guardianship of a minor, disabled person, or property is granted. Often, interested parties involvement will turn an uncontested guardianship case into a complicated battle, called a ‘contested guardianship.’ It may happen when the guardianship is being granted, or later down the line if an interested party believes the guardian is not doing a proper job of caring for the person or property. If you are fighting for guardianship, consult with a highly experienced Maryland guardianship lawyer for legal assistance....

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Maryland Child Guardianship Attorney

Child guardianship is a serious issue. It is a lot of responsibility to become the guardian of another person. You are given the responsibility of making the most important decisions on their behalf, and obligated to ensure their safety and wellbeing. The process to become the guardian of a minor in the state of Maryland is appropriately complex and should be handled by an experienced Maryland child guardianship attorney....

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upper marlboro divorce lawyer

Many people imagine that divorce consists of stressful court scenes in which each spouse accuses the other of misconduct and a bitter fight ensues over who should get the beanie baby collection. While this is the case for some of the more antagonistic couples, there are other options when conditions are quite so unfriendly. Every situation is different so it’s best to contact a divorce lawyer in Maryland who has experience handling a wide variety of cases....

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Maryland Family Law Mediation

Mediation is a process in which the parties appear before an impartial third party who does not have authority to adjudicate (make a formal decision) the dispute; however, by applying mediation techniques generally accepted within the professional mediation community, assists the parties by identifying the issues and interests of both parties, exploring settlement alternatives, and fashioning the basis of an agreement....

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Maryland Divorce Lawyer

When a couple divorces or separates, a Maryland court may order one spouse to pay the other spouse regular monthly payments. Alimony should not get confused for child support because although both of these payments can be given to a certain individual, they serve different purposes.

There are three types of alimony:

  • The first is known as alimony pendent lite, which is a temporary payment made while the case is pending.
  • Rehabilitative alimony is payment for a definite period of time to allow the spouse to become self-supporting.
  • And the last type, indefinite, is referred to a permanent alimony.

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Maryland Family Law Attorney

When courts need to make a decisions about child custody or visitation, the court balances what is best for the child with what a parent’s constitutional right is in regards to how the child should be raised. There are a variety of factors the court will look at including the role of any other party such as grandparents. Maryland law allows grandparents to ask the court for visitation rights and even custody rights. If you are trying to get visitation rights for your grandchild, make sure to contact an experienced Maryland family law attorney who can help you with your...

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Child support is a court-ordered payment requiring the noncustodial parent to pay child support to the custodial parent. Typically for ordinary expenses of food, shelter, clothing, education and medication needs for the children only. In 1990, Maryland passed a law requiring the courts to use child support guidelines in all child support cases. The guidelines provide a formula to calculate your child support obligation....

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Maryland Divorce Lawyer

Unlike some other states, there are two types of divorce in the state of Maryland. Choosing which one to go through is best discussed with a Maryland divorce lawyer. The two types of divorce options in the State of Maryland are:

  • Absolute Divorce - This is a final, absolute and permanent form of divorce. In this type, all issues relating to alimony, child custody, child support, and property are handled by the court. After an absolute divorce, the individuals involved may remarry
  • Limited Divorce - This is a form of divorce that is like separation that is supervised. As the...

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