Maryland Family Law Lawyer

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Maryland Family Law Attorney

Child support in Maryland is designed to ensure that every child in the state receives adequate financial support, whether the parents are legally separated, divorced, or if they never married in the first place. Support generally takes the form of payments from the noncustodial parent to the custodial parent. The custodial parent is defined as the parent who provides the majority of the care to the child, and this means that the parent who has been awarded a greater share of custody in divorce proceedings, will generally be the one receiving the support payments. Child support payments typically continue until...

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Maryland Family Law Lawyer

Although the Uniform Custody Jurisdiction and Enforcement Act (UCCJEA) was designed to resolve any complexities between states, if you find yourself in the middle of an interstate child custody dispute, contact an experienced Maryland family law attorney who can help you. If the parents live in different states or nations, the first issue that must be resolved is whether the court has proper jurisdiction over the person to handle the child custody or support dispute. The UCCJEA is the law that spells out the rules for whether a state’s courts can legally decide a child custody or placement case for any...

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Maryland Family Law Attorney

The world we live in currently is in stark contrast to the one our parents grew up in, and one of the biggest changes in American society has been scene in the institution of marriage. Less people are getting married, those marriages aren’t lasting as long, and the divorce rate has skyrocketed. In this age of divorce, a formerly obscure legal document, the premarital (prenuptial) agreement, has come into almost standard use....

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Maryland Child Support Attorney

It can feel like the battle is over once the court rules in your favor regarding child support. Unfortunately, the enforcement of child support can be challenging. What is a parent to do if an ex-spouse fails or refuses to pay the child support they have been ordered to give? If you find yourself in this situation, contact a Maryland child support attorney immediately....

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maryland estate planning attorney

We are not going to get into the spiritual and metaphysical on this page today, but what we can do is help you understand what happens to your personal property when you pass away. Our great country’s Constitution sets laws and regulations that create the foundation for every state’s specific laws regarding the passage of property following an individual’s passing. Each state will have a slightly different set of laws determining how property will be passed on, and the process of verifying and completing this distribution is called probate. The information below is a great starting point in the process...

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Maryland Family Law Lawyer

Domestic violence is a violent confrontation between household members involving physical harm or sexual assault. It can be between spouses, former spouses, those in or formerly in a dating relationship, adults related by blood and those who have a biological or legal parent-child relationship. Domestic violence, beyond just being physically abusive, is also psychological. The batterer uses acts of violence and a series of behaviors including intimidation, threats, psychological abuse and isolation to coerce and control the other person....

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Family Law Lawyer in Maryland

A legal guardian is someone that takes over day-to-day decision making and control of the child that the natural guardian cannot. The legal guardian will make all parenting decisions including requesting and accepting medical treatment on a child’s behalf, enroll the child in public school in the guardian’s community and provide for the child’s general welfare. Keep in mind this does not include financial responsibility as this still remains with the parents but depending on the parent’s situation, guardians often provide financial support. It’s always best to consult with an experienced attorney who can help you with your specific case....

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Family Law Attorney in Maryland

Child custody and visitation is another important part of the divorce proceeding. When contemplating which parent should get primary custody the Court must reach a decision that is “in the best interest of the child.” There are several major facts that the Courts will consider before awarding primary custody to one parent or the other....

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Maryland Divorce Attorney

Getting a divorce is never easy, especially in the state of Maryland where certain variables can affect the outcome of a divorce. There are three main requirements a couple or individual must meet in order to file for divorce in the state of Maryland but it’s always best to speak with a divorce attorney in Maryland regarding your case specifically. Maryland is a state that requires “fault” in order to grant a divorce. It is also possible to be granted a divorce when there has been a voluntary separation of the married couple for 12 consecutive months....

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Maryland Family Law Attorney

During divorce, assets, properties and debts are divided between the two parties. It can be quite complicated to separate two lives that have been entangled for multiple years, even more so for relationships that lasted decades. Besides physical property and basic finances, many assets may be on the table for sharing or forfeiting when spouses divorce. Additional assets that may be involved in a divorce is a pension or retirement plan. The state of Maryland permits retirement assets to be transferred from one spouse to another during divorce which a Maryland family law attorney can explain more depending on your...

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