Maryland Family Law Lawyer

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THE BURTON FIRM > Guardianship


Family Law Lawyer in Maryland

A legal guardian is someone that takes over day-to-day decision making and control of the child that the natural guardian cannot. The legal guardian will make all parenting decisions including requesting and accepting medical treatment on a child’s behalf, enroll the child in public school in the guardian’s community and provide for the child’s general welfare. Keep in mind this does not include financial responsibility as this still remains with the parents but depending on the parent’s situation, guardians often provide financial support. It’s always best to consult with an experienced attorney who can help you with your specific case....

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Maryland Guardianship Lawyer

Interested individuals have a large role in how guardianship of a minor, disabled person, or property is granted. Often, interested parties involvement will turn an uncontested guardianship case into a complicated battle, called a ‘contested guardianship.’ It may happen when the guardianship is being granted, or later down the line if an interested party believes the guardian is not doing a proper job of caring for the person or property. If you are fighting for guardianship, consult with a highly experienced Maryland guardianship lawyer for legal assistance....

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Maryland Child Guardianship Attorney

Child guardianship is a serious issue. It is a lot of responsibility to become the guardian of another person. You are given the responsibility of making the most important decisions on their behalf, and obligated to ensure their safety and wellbeing. The process to become the guardian of a minor in the state of Maryland is appropriately complex and should be handled by an experienced Maryland child guardianship attorney....

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Family Law Attorney in Maryland

A guardian is someone appointed by the Court to assume legal responsibility for another person or another person’s property, or both. Guardianship is appropriate and necessary when an individual is not capable of making their own decisions in society. Three examples are:

  • Minors – Individuals who are under the age of 18
  • Mentally Disabled – Individuals who have been diagnose and treated for mental disability
  • Elderly – Certain elderly individuals can be classified as unable to care for themselves, and will therefor require a guardian

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