Maryland Family Law Lawyer

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THE BURTON FIRM > Divorce (Page 2)


upper marlboro divorce lawyer

Many people imagine that divorce consists of stressful court scenes in which each spouse accuses the other of misconduct and a bitter fight ensues over who should get the beanie baby collection. While this is the case for some of the more antagonistic couples, there are other options when conditions are quite so unfriendly. Every situation is different so it’s best to contact a divorce lawyer in Maryland who has experience handling a wide variety of cases....

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Divorce Lawyer in Maryland Explains Desertion as a Ground for Divorce In order to file for divorce in the state of Maryland, several requirements must be met. Unlike no fault states, Maryland requires a specific reason for divorce. If the married couple lives apart for 12 or more months before filing for divorce, this “fault” requirement is waived. Additionally, at least one spouse must be a Maryland resident for at least one year before filing for the divorce. Divorce can be a pretty tricky subject, especially with multiple variables involved. It’s always best to consult a divorce lawyer in Maryland to...

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A divorce or separation can definitely affect your lawful status and ability to stay in the U.S. if you are in the country on a visa that was granted based on your spouse’s application. If you used your spouse’s status to immigrate within two years of your marriage, you are a conditional resident, and therefore getting a divorce or separation will affect your status. Additionally, divorce or separation may affect your status if your status depends on your spouse’s status. ...

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An annulment is a decree establishing that the marriage between two parties never existed. The Maryland Family Court is dealt with deciding the validity of each annulment case and infrequently grants annulments. If the court decides to grant the annulment, it is considered that you and your spouse were never married. If you are seeking an annulment, it is advisable for you to speak with an experienced Maryland family law attorney at The Burton Firm. The standard of proof that must be met to prove an annulment is difficult to meet, but we are very familiar with the Maryland Family...

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In the State of Maryland family law proceeding such as “legal separation” does not exist. Instead citizens of Maryland are offered two options: (1) limited divorce or (2) absolute divorce. Limited divorce is NOT permanent, absolute divorce IS permanent. When a couple wishes to separate but are not ready to go through a full blown divorce proceeding, limited divorce is the remedy. This proceeding is very similar to a proceeding described as “legal separation” in other states. The court will recognize the decision of the parties to maintain separate housing or residences, bank accounts, but will stop short of dissolving a...

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Maryland Divorce Attorney

Divorce can be a complex and stressful process, especially when it comes to health insurance. If you're on your spouse's insurance plan, you may lose coverage after the divorce, but options like COBRA allow you to stay insured for up to 36 months. The court may also require a parent to provide health insurance for their child, with costs divided based on each parent's income. Sometimes, staying separated rather than divorcing can help maintain health coverage. It's essential to consult a Maryland divorce attorney to navigate these issues and ensure your health and well-being are protected during and after the...

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divorce attorney in Maryland

In Maryland, adultery is considered both a civil and criminal offense, though prosecutions are rare. Adultery is defined as voluntary sexual intercourse between a married person and someone of the opposite sex. If a married person engages in sexual relations with a same-sex partner, they may not be guilty of adultery but could be charged with constructive desertion, which is also grounds for divorce. Other grounds for divorce in Maryland include a 12-month separation, imprisonment, incurable insanity, and cruel treatment. While individuals can represent themselves in divorce cases, it is advisable to consult a lawyer to ensure all legal rights...

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DIVORCE LAWYER IN MARYLAND Infidelity can ruin a marriage, leaving one partner feeling betrayed and insecure When adultery is a cause for divorce, the injured party will likely desire some sort of return for the emotional damages caused by their partner. Make sure to contact a divorce lawyer in Maryland if you are considering divorce because of adultery. Divorce in Maryland Maryland is a state which requires sufficient “cause” for divorce. This means that the individual filing for divorce, often referred to as the plaintiff, must have a specific reason to request a divorce. Sufficient causes include but are not limited to: Infidelity Desertion ...

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Children of Divorced Same-Sex Parents

Since same-sex marriage is legal in the state of Maryland, it is important to understand the nuances and issues that could arise from divorce of same-sex marriage, including that of children. A child born or conceived during a marriage is presumed to be the legitimate child of both spouses, not just the spouse who gave birth to the child. In the past when a same sex couple adopted a child in the state of Maryland, only one of them actually adopted the child from the agency, country or service because two people without a legal tie to one another are...

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