Maryland Family Law Lawyer

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Domestic Violence

Maryland Family Law Lawyer

Domestic violence in Maryland includes acts like assault, threats of serious harm, stalking, false imprisonment, and sexual offenses between family or household members. Victims can seek legal protection through protective orders or peace orders, depending on their relationship to the abuser. These orders can prevent contact, grant temporary custody, and ensure the abuser leaves the shared home. At The Burton Firm, experienced attorneys provide compassionate support to help victims navigate the legal process and secure their safety. If you or someone you know is facing domestic violence, contact The Burton Firm for guidance and protection....

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Children of Divorced Same-Sex Parents

Since same-sex marriage is legal in the state of Maryland, it is important to understand the nuances and issues that could arise from divorce of same-sex marriage, including that of children. A child born or conceived during a marriage is presumed to be the legitimate child of both spouses, not just the spouse who gave birth to the child. In the past when a same sex couple adopted a child in the state of Maryland, only one of them actually adopted the child from the agency, country or service because two people without a legal tie to one another are...

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Identity Theft

Recent identity theft statistics released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, claim that 9.91 million Americans were identity theft victims and have experienced losses totaling $52.6 billion. These statistics show that identity theft occurs much more often than the average person assumes. Under Maryland’s laws, it is a crime to possess or obtain a person’s personal identifying information, including their name, address, social security number, bank account number, or credit card number, without the person’s permission in order to use the information to obtain credit or goods or services. It is considered identity theft or identity fraud. Identity theft is a...

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Identity Theft Defense

Recent identity theft statistics released by the Federal Bureau of Investigation, claim that 9.91 million Americans were identity theft victims and have experienced losses totaling $52.6 billion. These statistics show that identity theft occurs much more often than the average person assumes. Under Maryland’s laws, it is a crime to possess or obtain a person’s personal identifying information, including their name, address, social security number, bank account number, or credit card number, without the person's permission in order to use the information to obtain credit or goods or services. It is considered identity theft or identity fraud. Identity theft is a...

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