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Domestic Violence

THE BURTON FIRM > Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence

Maryland Family Law Lawyer

Domestic violence in Maryland includes acts like assault, threats of serious harm, stalking, false imprisonment, and sexual offenses between family or household members. Victims can seek legal protection through protective orders or peace orders, depending on their relationship to the abuser. These orders can prevent contact, grant temporary custody, and ensure the abuser leaves the shared home. At The Burton Firm, experienced attorneys provide compassionate support to help victims navigate the legal process and secure their safety. If you or someone you know is facing domestic violence, contact The Burton Firm for guidance and protection....

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Maryland Family Law Lawyer

Domestic violence is a violent confrontation between household members involving physical harm or sexual assault. It can be between spouses, former spouses, those in or formerly in a dating relationship, adults related by blood and those who have a biological or legal parent-child relationship. Domestic violence, beyond just being physically abusive, is also psychological. The batterer uses acts of violence and a series of behaviors including intimidation, threats, psychological abuse and isolation to coerce and control the other person....

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