Maryland Family Law Lawyer

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Are You Currently Facing a Divorce in Prince Georges County Maryland?

Choosing to end a marriage through divorce is no easy decision. If you’re facing the challenging decision of divorce in Maryland, The Burton Firm is here to support you. Our experienced divorce attorneys understand the complexities and emotional toll of ending a marriage and are committed to guiding you through every step of the process. We aim to make this transition less overwhelming by providing empathic advocacy and handling the legal intricacies, ensuring you and your family are protected during this tough time. Let us assist you, helping to reduce stress and navigate the divorce process in Prince George’s County with expertise and compassion.

“Divorce is about change, evolution, and a new beginning. The divorce process causes spouses to view and interact with each other in a completely new and different way. As such, amidst this change, it is necessary to have a strong, zealous, and aggressive lawyer to help the client navigate through these uncharted waters.” — Aubrey Burton, Jr.

Safeguarding Your Interests During Divorce in Maryland

The Burton Firm is committed to guiding you towards a resolution in your divorce that is both fair and in the best interest of your family. With a wealth of experience in all aspects of divorce law, our attorneys in Maryland are adept in handling matters like child custody and support, spousal support, dividing debts and assets, revising existing orders, and addressing issues such as premarital and postnuptial agreements, domestic violence, and grandparent visitation rights. Our team is ready to use every available resource to ensure you receive the most beneficial outcome, equipping you to move forward in life confidently.

We offer a variety of services related to divorce, including but not limited to:

  • Negotiation and preparation of divorce settlements
  • Representation in court for divorce proceedings
  • Mediation services to help couples reach an agreement
  • Assistance with child custody and visitation arrangements
  • Division of marital assets and debts
  • Spousal and child support arrangements
  • Modification of existing divorce decrees
  • Enforcement of court orders
  • Name changes
  • Adoption
  • Guardianship

When facing a situation like divorce, it is extremely important to have adequate legal support from a divorce attorney. Founding partner and family law attorney Aubrey Burton Jr., can help you through the process and seek a desirable resolution. With our Maryland divorce lawyers to help you fill out and file the proper paperwork in an orderly fashion, you can focus on the things that really matter, like your loved ones and your new life.

Type of Divorce Options in The State of Maryland

Our Maryland divorce attorneys handle all types of divorce cases. In Prince George’s County, Maryland, as in other jurisdictions, there are several types of divorces that individuals can pursue, each with its own legal requirements and implications. The main types of divorces include:

Absolute Divorce

This is a final ending of the marriage and allows the parties to remarry. Grounds for absolute divorce in Maryland include adultery, desertion, conviction of a crime, insanity, cruelty or excessively vicious conduct, and mutual consent.

Limited Divorce

Sometimes known as a legal separation, this form of divorce does not end the marriage but permits the parties to live apart with legal rights and obligations. It’s often used when couples are not yet eligible for an absolute divorce and need court-enforced separation of financial responsibilities and property, or in situations where the parties may eventually reconcile.

No-Fault Divorce

Maryland allows for a no-fault divorce, which can be obtained when the spouses have lived apart without cohabitation for a specified period (usually 12 months), and there is no reasonable expectation of reconciliation.

Divorce by Mutual Consent

For couples without minor children, Maryland offers divorce by mutual consent, which allows for a quicker and often less contentious process. The couple must have a signed agreement covering property division, alimony, and other relevant issues.

Uncontested Divorce

In contrast, an uncontested divorce is where both parties agree on all major issues. This type of divorce is usually quicker and less expensive.

Contested Divorce

This occurs when the spouses cannot agree on one or more key issues like property division, child custody, alimony, or child support. These issues will be decided by the court.

Each type of divorce in Prince George’s County, Maryland, has specific legal requirements and processes. It’s often advisable to consult with a family law attorney to understand the implications of each type and to get guidance tailored to an individual’s specific situation. Aubrey Burton Jr., is here to guide you every step of the way towards a positive outcome. Our team of Maryland divorce lawyers will handle all the paperwork efficiently, allowing you to concentrate on what’s most important: your family and starting a new chapter in your life.

What is Absolute Divorce in Maryland?

Absolute divorce in Maryland is the legal dissolution of a marriage, which completely ends the marital relationship under the law. This type of divorce differs from a limited divorce, which is more like a legal separation and does not fully dissolve the marriage. In Maryland, to obtain an absolute divorce, one must prove specific grounds, unless the couple has mutually consented to the divorce after a 12-month separation period.

The grounds for absolute divorce include:

  • Adultery
  • Desertion (actual or constructive) for 12 continuous months
  • Conviction of a Crime (with specific conditions regarding sentencing and time served)
  • 12-Month Separation: Both parties living apart without cohabitation for 12 months without interruption
  • Insanity: With specific conditions regarding the duration of institutionalization and the necessity of testimony from two doctors
  • Cruelty towards a spouse or minor child, which makes living together unsafe or intolerable
  • Excessively Vicious Conduct towards a spouse or minor child

After these grounds are established, the court will address other legal matters such as division of property, child custody, alimony, and child support. It’s important to consult with a legal professional to understand the specifics of the law and how it applies to individual circumstances, as divorce law can be complex and varies depending on the details of each case.

Divorce can be an emotionally and financially straining moment in your life. Choosing any type of decision that can affect your entire family needs to be carefully thought through and in moments of emotional pain and frustration, it can be overwhelming to know what the best decision is. The best thing you can do for the future of you and your family is to consult a Maryland divorce lawyer for legal advice. With many years of experience handling divorce cases throughout Maryland and the metropolitan area, you can trust The Burton Firm to be by your side through this difficult time.

Do You Need a Lawyer to File for Absolute Divorce in Maryland State?

In Maryland, it is not legally required to have a lawyer to file for an absolute divorce. Individuals can choose to represent themselves in a divorce proceeding, which is known as proceeding “pro se.” However, it’s often a good idea to have an experienced divorce lawyer on your side. Divorces can be tricky and involve a lot of complicated rules about money, property, and children. If you don’t know much about the law, it can be hard to handle all of this by yourself. A lawyer knows how to fill out and file all the necessary paperwork correctly, can talk and make agreements with the other person in the divorce, and make sure your rights are protected. This is especially important if you own a lot of things, have kids, or if you and your partner disagree on many issues. Sometimes, a lawyer can even help you and your partner agree on things without going to court, which can save time and money. If your divorce does end up in court, a lawyer can speak for you and present your case. If you can’t afford a lawyer, there are some organizations that might help you for free or a lower cost.