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Family Law Attorney Charles County – Child Support Modifications

In the State of Maryland, the circuit court will grant a child support modification only if a material change has taken place and the child is under age 18. Material means that the change matters and is relevant to the situation.

Essentially, the parent seeking the modification must show that facts as they existed at the time of the last child support order, have changed.

Family Law Attorney Charles CountyThe following examples typify the necessary change:

  • If one parent’s income has changed (either gone up or down) by at least 25%, this is usually enough of a change to require changing the support order; or
  • If the child’s needs change, such as if the child becomes sick or disabled, the court can increase the amount of support.

There are two different measures available to either parent seeking child support modification. First, either parent can file a motion, a formal request to the court, to modify an existing child support order. The motion should be filed in the circuit court that issued the child support order.

The second option that is also available to either parent is requesting the Office of Child Support Enforcement to review the child support order for a possible modification. However, this request can only be made once every three years. If you request a review and modification, you should explain why you are requesting the review of your order, sign and date it, and include your child support case number and other identifying information on the request. We also recommend that you put your request in writing and keep a copy for yourself as proof that you made the request.

The child support modification process may be intimidating and confusing. We advise you to speak to an experienced family law attorney Charles County regarding you case. Call our office today to speak to an experienced family law attorney. We get results our clients want to see. The initial consultation is free. We will answer your questions and concerns, review your documents, and ease the overall process by providing clarity and understanding.


Aubrey Burton, Jr.
6005 Old Silver Hill Road | Forestville, MD 20747
Telephone: (301) 420-5540
Fax: (888) 778-0475

Family Law Attorney Charles County – Child Support Modifications
Maryland family law and divorce Attorney serving Prince George’s County, Charles County, Montgomery County, Anne Arundel County and Calvert County.
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October 12, 2013