Maryland Family Law Lawyer

Call for a Free Consultation

(301) 420-5540




A wide range of clients, both plaintiffs and defendants, seek out The Burton Firm in Prince George’s County and Charles County for skilled, experienced representation in a variety general litigation matters including the following:

  • Divorce
  • Personal injury
  • Real estate litigation
  • Commercial litigation
  • Construction disputes
  • Business disputes
  • Contract disputes
  • Estate disputes
  • Probate disputes
  • Guardianship disputes
  • Breach of protective orders
  • Battery defense
  • Enforcement/contempt of family court orders
  • Modification of family court orders
    • Protective orders
    • Custody
    • Alimony
    • Child support
  • District court matters

Clients of the law firm rely on attorney Burton’s extensive experience in the courts. Individuals of all walks of life appreciate Mr. Burton’s emphasis on strong attorney-client communication and collaboration. Clear communication between the lawyer and the client prepares the plaintiff or defendant in a civil matter to make well-informed, productive decisions throughout the legal processes inherent to litigation.

Attorney Burton adeptly handles his responsibilities in any general litigation matter, including the following:

  • Investigation
  • Discovery (identifying evidence and witnesses, for example)
  • Analysis
  • Dispositive Motions Practice
  • Preparation of compelling arguments in support of the client’s position
  • Post Trial Motions

Clients of The Burton Firm, in turn, take an active role in all phases of a legal matter such as the following:

  • Preparation for deposition (when the opposing side may interview the client)
  • Determination of direction in the case (aggressive or conciliatory, for example)
  • Evaluation and consideration of goals and the costs involved in pursuing them
  • Ultimate decision-making at key junctures in a litigation matter: acceptance or rejection of a settlement offer or a decision to go to trial, for example

The Burton Firm keeps the attorney-client working relationship vital and strong until the most favorable attainable outcome is achieved. To learn how Mr. Burton can help with a particular legal dispute, call or e-mail the law firm.